Търся: Писане на 2 есета на английски език.


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трябват ми две есета на английски език. Едното с дължина 5 страници, другото 6.
Това са двете теми. Очаквам добро писане, без правописни грешки, граматиката трябва да е ок и текстовете да са уникални, да не са публикувани в интернет.
Моля запознайте се с изискванията и дайте предложения, за заплащане ще уточним, защото не знам какво би струвало.

Be sure to take this essay beyond yourself to reflect on a larger social issue. Of course you will draw upon a personal experience or observation, but you need to take this essay beyond you to explore more significant issues in society at large. For example, you might be a restaurant server who notices a couple’s awkward dinner date and this causes you to reflect on relationships in American culture, superficiality, inhibitions or lack thereof, traditional roles or breaking them, etc. Perhaps you notice a child tethered to a leash-type restraint in a local retail outlet and this causes you to reflect on parental fears, the behavior of children, stranger danger, the inability of parents to control their kids, etc. You will be evaluated on your ability to effectively engage a larger social issue/concern by first describing a relatable experience or observation.
Namely, this essay requires that you move from the "local" to the "global." In other words, you need to choose a specific incident that you experienced, witnessed, read about, heard about, etc. and from that incident launch into a reflection on a larger social issue. Be sure to use your specific instance as a launching pad for a discussion of a more general issue (racism, homelessness, obsession with appearance, elder abuse, greed, destruction of the environment, etc.). Be aware, too, that your Proposal to Solve a Problem essay will also address a larger social issue. If you want to address "teen pregnancy," for example, ask yourself if you'd like to use that topic for your Reflection or Proposal essay. You will need to choose two different topics for the two different essays.


You may choose any problem you like and it can be as local or global as you like: a problem in your home, school, neighborhood, city, state, nation, world, etc. You must establish that the problem exists and this needs to be done by reference to external resources. You should find statistics or predictions from experts to substantiate the problem. Remember that you do not have to solve the problem, but you should offer a creative solution to an existing problem. This is not an essay that summarizes how other people have attempted to solve the problem—this would be a research paper. Instead, this is your opportunity to “think outside of the box” and offer up your own creative approach. Push the limits of what is possible and propose solutions you think “could” work. For example, you might choose “teenage pregnancy rates” as your problem and you should consider ways of solving it other than the tradition methods of “abstinence only education” or “condom distribution in public schools.” Look to the root of your issue for inspiration and ask the tough questions: “Why are teenage girls getting pregnant?” “What are they looking for/lacking in their lives?” “How can this void be filled in other ways?” Etc. Challenge yourself and look beyond the obvious. You will be evaluated on how well you establish the problem and how creatively you approach it with your proposed solution(s).
You need to keep your audience in mind and assume they might object to your proposal. Try to foresee an objection and address it in the essay--much like Varley did in his essay. Remember, your proposal need not completely solve the problem, but it should work toward viable solutions. Some problems are far too complex to solve in a six page essay, but if you can propose solutions that move toward fixing a problem, that will work, too. The best essay will offer something new and creative, rather than reinventing ideas that have already been developed. This is my favorite essay to assign and evaluate and I look forward to reading your work!
For your proposal essays, you need not rely on outside research except to establish the significance of your problem. If you choose to use more outside research, please use the O'Malley and Varley essays as models for parenthetical citation in the MLA style. After each quote or paraphrase of someone else's idea, use parentheses to indicate the source material. At the end of your document, be sure to provide a Works Cited/Bibliography list of sources as shown after O'Malley's essay.

