3 Online Marketing Mistakes To Avoid


Well-Known Member
You have probably heard these before but they are worth mentioning again. When you are setting up your online marketing there are a couple of interesting pieces to get in place. Once you know them, your problem becomes where to find listeners because you know a percentage will buy. You need to have a product or a service offering and you need to know people will buy it (the price point is right, it is what your target market wants and the sales pitch works) after that you need the systems in place to sell and the audience. Here are three online marketing mistakes you should avoid (meaning fix) before you start selling online. If you get these right, you will be very successful:

1. No Specific Audience – meaning you don’t have the right words or labels (sometimes called egoic labels) to show your audience that “YES, this is me” … example would be a mom, a small business owner, an entrepreneur, a health nut, a wife, a woman, a man … you get the point

2. No Specific Problem – meaning you aren’t giving them the answer to a specific problem you will solve … example would be “I need to get a valentines gift for my wife” or “I need to lose 10 lbs” or “I want to be healthier” or “I am not saving enough for retirement” or “my kids need more exercise” or “am I getting all the nutrients I need for my body” or “my sex life is not satisfying” … you can put problems into five categories:


3. Not using Education Based Marketing … I like to think about this as an excellent persuasion tactic (and again, don’t feel like marketing is meant to be misleading if you intentions are true. The point is that someone needs to hear your message and you are educating them so they hear you over all the other chatter). When I think of myself here, I like to relate my decisions to this use … some recent examples:

30% THE ANSWER IS NO AND THAT IS OK: I have a next level coach and am always looks for new training, but I don’t do well with the hard sell. So, when I recently saw all blatant tactics on display with a speaker (selling education based products), I wasn’t interested. I was in the 30% of people who will not purchase here and he was right to pass over me as a potential buyer.

30% FUTURE NEED: I will begin to shop for holiday gifts soon, so when those commercial come on or I see a product that I am interested in, I put it in my mental holding cell for later. Those advertisers may not get my money today, but if I see them often enough to remember them, they will get it in the future (so marketing to me now brings future results)

30% NOT EVEN AWARE THAT I NEED THAT OR THAT YOU CAN HELP ME: I am in the market for an App Developer but I really haven’t done much about it but a little online research. It is how I imagine business owners feel about diving into a web site. So, when I was at an Infusionsoft conference, I struck up a conversation with the gentleman next to me and found out that he owns an Apple store – I then had the excellent opportunity to LEARN (opperative word here) about what I should be looking for in a developer. I was being EDUCATED and would have proceeded to purchase if he was a developer.

Another example – a speaker who was educating us at the Infusionsoft conference about particularly complicated but effective prospect sequencing. I was LEARNING and being EDUCATED. At a few points, I became aware of a new product that would solve some problems with metrics and time in sequencing. The important part for you here is that I wasn’t aware until I was educated that what they were teaching would solve a problem of mine – I purchased their product to help me, fully aware of the marketing technique but grateful for the education!

7% WELL THAT IS INTERESTING, I WILL THINK ABOUT IT … maybe I just need a little more time, maybe deposits are coming into my business next week and I can buy it then, maybe I get a little nervous because I want to research you to make sure you are what you say you are … regardless, thank you for the information and keep in touch (there is real opportunity for you here, if you aren’t too pushy)

3% I NEED THIS, WANT THIS RIGHT NOW … the 3% people fight for in Google Adwords. The amazing instances where someone wants to buy from you with question, without objection, without negotiation – right now!

So, there you go. I hope this is helpful in establishing the right products and the right message before diving into your Internet Marketing Plan.
