How to create a FTP user (account)?


Well-Known Member
Most of the hosting companies gives you an easy and fast way to create your FTP accounts. You can create your FTP accounts within few click of the mouse by using the control panel of your account. Here is a few steps, that you can follow, just to make sure you will get it to the end:

1. Go to control panell of your account with the provided username and password;
2. From the Files section choose FTP accounts;
3. In the top of your screen will be appearse field, that you have to fil out.

Into thhe Login field type your username. In the Passwords field – your password. Type the same in the next field. You should choose an secure and strong password. The stronger the password is, the best your protection will be. In the field Directory, you have to point where the access should be to. When you name your account, automatically will be fill out the directory. If you want your account to has access to the entire disc space on the server, you should type only „/“ in this field.

In the Quote: (MB) field by defaul is created Unlimited valiue, which means that the FTP user can upload unlimited number and sizes of files. If you type specific qute as a valiue, the user can upload files not bigger than the given parametes (quote) .

After you fill out the fields click on the Create button. If everything is OK with the creation, the following message will appear:
The account is successfully created.


  • FTP user name: [email protected]
  • Password: ftp account password
  • FTP server:
  • FTP server port: 21
  • Quote: unlimited

You can use the given details in order to access the server files via FTP.
От: How to create a FTP user (account)?

And which control panel you`re talking about? mention that in your how to, because not all the panels have the same logic and ftp servers.
От: How to create a FTP user (account)?

most used cPanel, Plesk, Virtualmin, zPanel, Webuzo, Kloxo
Re: От: How to create a FTP user (account)?

And which control panel you`re talking about? mention that in your how to, because not all the panels have the same logic and ftp servers.

I was talking (and still doing it) about the cpanel. Never used others you mentioned. If you could give me some tips which one should I use and which not, would be great. :)
