Проблем с темплейт на wp


Well-Known Member
Днес барниках малко по кода на темплейта пооправих някои неща според нуждите си обаче съм пипнал къде не трябва май и шрифта на линковете, на категориите и т.н. в сайдбара се увеличи и стана доста голям - http://spermpills.eu/

Та малко хелп ако може че го закъсах :)

Това е кода на sidebar.php

<div id="sidebar1" class="vertstrip">
	<?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('sidebar1') ) : ?>
	<div class="box box-categories">
		<div class="interior">
			<?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&optioncount=0&hierarchical=0'); ?>
	<?php royalblue_list_bookmarks(); ?>

	<div class="box box-archives">
		<div class="interior">
			<?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly'); ?>

	<?php endif; ?>

<div id="sidebar2" class="vertstrip">
	<?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar('sidebar1') ) : ?>

	<div class="box box-adverts">
		<div class="interior">
			<div><a><img src="http://spermpills.eu/wp-content/themes/royaleblue/images/small_CARDS.jpg" alt="produce more sperm"></a></div>

<div><a href="[email protected]&url=language=en&url=&visitor=0&company=0&os=W&browser=g">
<img src="http://spermpills.eu/wp-content/themes/royaleblue/images/small_livehelp.jpg" alt="live help"></a></div>

<div><a><img src="http://spermpills.eu/wp-content/themes/royaleblue/images/xaxaxa.JPG" alt="more sperm"></a></div>

<div><a rel="nofollow" href="http://xtracum.com/?page=order&id=indexx"><img alt="sperm pills" src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/11.gif" /></a></div>

			<div><a href="http://gbtoplist.com/">
<img src="http://gbtoplist.com/button.php?u=Vikobe" alt="GB TOPLIST, best links" border="0" width=88 height=31></a></div>
<script  type="text/javascript">
d.write('<a href="http://www.tyxo.bg/?51798" title="Tyxo.bg counter" target=" blank"><img width="80" height="15" border="0" alt="Tyxo.bg counter"');
d.write(' src="http://cnt.tyxo.bg/51798?rnd='+Math.round(Math.random()*2147483647));
d.write('&sp='+screen.width+'x'+screen.height+'&r='+escape(d.referrer)+'" /><\/a>');
<noscript><a href="http://www.tyxo.bg/?51798" title="Tyxo.bg counter" target="_blank"><img src="http://cnt.tyxo.bg/51798" width="80" height="15" border="0" alt="Tyxo.bg counter" /></a></noscript>
<!-- KRAI NA TYXO.BG BROYACH --></div>

	<?php endif; ?>
От: Проблем с темплейт на wp

и на style.css

Theme Name: Royale Blue
Theme URI: http://www.paddsolutions.com
Description: Professional theme, Valid XHTML & CSS, 3 Columns, Widget & Adsense Ready
Version: 1.0
Author: Padd IT Solutions
Author URI: http://www.paddsolutions.com 

The CSS, XHTML and design is released under Creative Commons License.

/* Typography */

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/* Forms */

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/* Colors */

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h3#respond {
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/* Entry Styling */

blockquote {
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blockquote blockquote {
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От: Проблем с темплейт на wp

Нали хапчетата са за увеличаване на спермата, нормално е шрифта да стане по-голям.



на мен всичко ми се вижда ОК :)
