New Member
Здравей те ! Още съм начинаещ и за това ще се обърна към вас за малко помощ .Правя един мобилен сайт и на заглавната страница трябва да се сменят различни снимки с оферти . Намерих този код , но не знам как към всяка снимка да присвоя различен линк към друга страница .
<div id="slideshow" style="margin-left:1px;margin-top:1px;width:996px;height:196px;"></div>
//test (frame 2) -->
//*****parameters to set*****
//into this array insert the paths of your pics.
//if there are only 2 images, set them two times i.e. 1/2/1/2
imges=new Array ('1.jpg', '2.jpg', '3.jpg', '4.jpg', '5.jpg', '6.jpg', '7.jpg', '8.jpg', '9.jpg');
divid="slideshow"; //the id of the div container that will hold the slideshow
picwid=0; //set this to the width of your widest pic
pichei=0; //... and this to the height of your highest pic
backgr="#eeeeee"; //set this to the background color you want to use for the slide-area
//(for example the body-background-color) if your pics are of different size
sdur=3; //time to show a pic between fades in seconds
fdur=1; //duration of the complete fade in seconds
steps=20; //steps to fade from on pic to the next
// "startwhen" leave it at "null" to start the function by calling it from your page by link
//(sample: <a href="javascript:myfade();">slide</a>)
// or set it to 1 to start the slide automatically as soon as the page is loaded
//*****nothing more to do, have fun :)
//starts with random picture: for(i=0;i<=Math.floor(Math.random()*imges.length);i++){imges.push(imges.shift());}
tp="<div style='position:absolute;'>";
******tp=tp+"<div id='"+theid+"'><img src='"+thesrc+"' border='0'/></div>";
document.write("<style type='text/css'>");
******if(b<=1) {thez=2; thevis='visible';}
******document.write("#"+thestylid+" {position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:"+picwid+"px;height:"+pichei+"px;background-color:"+backgr+";visibility:"+thevis+";z-index:"+thez+";}");
function myfade(){
******parr = new Array();
* *ie5exep=new Array(paktidakt);parr=parr.concat(ie5exep);}
************i=1;u=0;slide (i);
function slide(numa){
function slidenow(){
function shownow(){
//<-- test (frame 2)