Facebook tips and tricks (theme updating)


Using Facebook as user is a great experience, but I am sure there are a lot of features you do not have a clue that exist. All the Facebook tips and tricks below are well-selected and up-to-date. This information could be more than valuable and used by you in future. So take a deep breath and read what I have to share with you in next sentences. It is also good to know that this social network makes updates more often than any other, because it has a lot of stuff to show to its users. If you notice something different next time you visit it, do not wonder - it is normal for Facebook.

You can select who want to see you when you are online vs. offline in the Facebook chat


When you click on the chat, the chat list of the available friends shows. Click the Options below, which is a gear-wheel button. You have a few options, but you choose "Advanced Settings". A window will open, that has three different options. You can turn on the chat for all of your friend, except for those who type as a name in the box. That way the non-typed in the box friend will see you offline. You can also turn off the chat completely, depending on what you want and need at the moment.

Sharing Flickr photos on Facebook


There is unofficial web tool, giving you the chance to transfer your images or photos over in a few easy steps. If you want to do it right away - Visit the link: http://www.keebler.net/flickr2facebook/ . You will be surprised how easy could be the process.

Hiding the status updates


First you need to do is to go to your update box. Next - go to "Post" button (it will ask you which option you want in order to continue - "Public", "Friends", "Only Me", etc.). You go to "Custom", a box will appear. At the bottom of the box it will say “Don’t share this with these people or lists". Then type the names of the persons who you do not want to see your updates of your status.

Tagging friends in your status updates


Go to the status update box, where you usually share information. Write and type your message, and before writing the name of the person you want to mention, just put "@" sign. When you type "@", start writing the name of the person and a list of suggestions will show up. Select the person (name) you want. You can also delete last name in order to be visual only the first one.

Scheduling Facebook posts

First you need to do - go to your personal profile page and start typing something in the status box at the top of the page. Select the type of post you would like, such as status, photo, life event, etc. Enter your post but before hitting the post button click on the little clock symbol that is the second symbol in the bottom left corner of the status box. Select a date and time when you would like your post to appear.

Sending files in the Facebook chat


You need first to open the chat section with the person you want to send the file. Click on the option button at the top of the chat window. The button looks like a gear-wheel and it is the middle. Then click "Add files" and select the file you want to send. Attach it and there you go.

Downloading the whole Facebook photo albums with one click


Everyone has experienced downloading photo by photo from a friend's album, where you are pictured. It is a big waist of time. There is a much more easier way to get it on your computer. Visit http://www.picknzip.com in order to download the album you want for free. Log in, choose the friend and his album, now you can start downloading it. You migth want to see this brand new App: https://apps.facebook.com/downloadsocial/?fb_source=fbpage_button

Uncluttering your News Feed


We all have annoying friend or friends who constantly post statuses on Facebook or play Facebook games and they take over your entire news feed. That is awful. Even for a person with a lot of time to lose. Now you have the solution to get rid of this. Find that person, go to his profile page. Next you need to do is to click the button on top of their cover photo that says “Friends” with a check mark next to it. Go to “Settings…” From there you can select whether you would like all updates, most updates or only important updates to appear on your news feed. problem solved.

Posting text upside down


You can post all your status updates with upside down text! Just go to http://www.fliptext.org, type in your message, click “Flip Text” and it will generate your message upside down. Then all you have to do is copy and paste the text onto Facebook.

Editing your published comments


Did you make a spelling or grammar mistake or change your mind about your comment? All you have to do is hover over the comment and click on the pencil symbol and Facebook will allow you to edit or remove your comment. This only works for things you comment on, not for status updates. Status updates can be deleted but not edited.
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