Inserting a Simple Slider into My Web Site


If you want to integrate a simple slider into your website and you do not know what to use and to ask, you can do to it here. As a beginning I will give some resources, where you can use in order to create and add such one.

By trying wowslider and other tool you need to know that you first have to read the menuals and information how to use them. That way you won't make something wrong...You can use the nivoSlider.


If you're on WordPress platform, there are many slider plugins you can try out for FREE.

I suggest you also bxslider, it is smaller than nivo and easy to use. A lot of webmasters using it on their home pages and its awesome with fast loader times. It is responsive and touch sensitive too.

Other thing - you can download & integrate your own site

Another resource, you can use to get your slider -

Note: Search free slider for website in google and google provide you free website from where you get simple slider for your website. Or directly go on designrazzi, tutsplus this two websites is also good.

Hope this helps. If you have any question or suggestions, you can leave your post below. I will be happy to see more resources and shared experience.
