TweetAttacks Free Edition


Well-Known Member

Do you use many twitter accounts and want to build followers in all of them? Its hard to do that manually and you should at least automate it using our free twitter marketing software. Yes you can get it here for FREE. This includes a crash course about twitter marketing that you cannot get anywhere else.

This free twitter marketing software have the following features

* Twitter marketing crash course
* It can follow users from search results
* It can follow users from other users followers list
* It can follow users from other users following list
* It can follow users listed in a text file
* Not using API
* Check accounts following and follower counts
* Check accounts if suspended
* Check accounts if protected
* It can unfollow those who dont follow you back.

Полезна е програмката. Безплатната версия има ограничение до 5 акаунта, ако искате повече ще трябва да си я закупите. На мен ми върши работа
