What is affiliate marketing? Affiliate Definition


Well-Known Member
Hello every body, I am not new in this forum, so I want to give few brief definitions of what is affiliate and how it is work and what is the benefit of that.

Let's start. Affiliate Marketing (AM) is a type of marketing and meaningful awareness for specific group and for all ages of groups. This technique comes under strategies to get some attention by beautiful manners. Affiliate means someone (webmaster, marketer, site owner, or whatever you want to call him) who generates sales or leads for another company through web advertising, blog post, etc., using that company's links or banners. The term affiliate marketing is a broad concept which has a number of aspects attached to it. To sum up the concept in the most concise manner it. Affiliate marketer also means a person who do affiliate marketing and affiliate marketing is the method to sale products and services through internet.

Few links, you might want to follow and read:


I'm doing
Article Marketing
Video Marketing
and Blogging
