Best SEO Structure of a Web Site


Tips on choosing the best site structure:

Search engines, especially Google delivers the most traffic and visitors. For this reason, search engine optimization - SEO is crucial.

For the SEO process is often thought it is just a collection of technical tricks. As a professional SEO, I admit that I spend a lot of time solving technical problems in customers' web sites.

One of the most important technical factors for better indexing by the search engines is the structure of the site. Structure determines how accessible it will be the site for the search engines and whether will it be properly indexed the content that it has.

By creating a good structure you can improve your ranking in search engines.

Start getting interesting? Yes. Then let explain what to do.

Building up a good site structure

Before building up a new site or making any structural changes, please take a look at the structure of the diagram below.

Structure sample:


Figure 1 - A typical structure of the site

In Figure 1 you see an unbalanced structure. Why? The second major category from left to right (the second green box) contains over half of the content of the site. You should try to build a structure like a balanced pyramid. My advice to you is to distribute between 2 and 7 main sections depending on the content of the site. Individual sections must not be greater than two times greater than the other sections.

The benefit of using a graphical model of the structure is better resolved in order to test whether it is optimal. Sometimes I use and drawings on a board or paper.

After rearranging the structure of Figure 1, we come to this improved picture below.


Figure 2

As you can see some pages have been moved up, while others are removed. After a good analysis of the structure of the site, we can often to find pages that are not useful to visitors. The best solution here is to be removed.

Pay attention to the main page. The choice of which is it and what it should include, is also of great importance.

Think of the proper name of the individual sections

If you have enough content to create a separate section for it is most likely other people will seek this information. Better solution is to use keywords that are in demand. For this purpose, you have to know your niche well and did the research before that action.

Please, browse the forum and find how to do niche marketing - competition, demand, return, and other factors can be found here.

Besides choosing the names header sections and subsections, to select and titles of individual pages. They should be short and descriptive.

Once you understand the basic rules for 2 good site structure, we will focus on other important elements.

Internal link structure

If you do well in the construction of the structure it should have a pyramid look. Then you need to connect the different sections of this pyramid. They should also have a pyramidal structure. Each page of the Great Pyramid or small should point to all subpages and they to it, as it is in Figure 3.

All subpages section have similar themes and good bonding between them will improve a site's ranking in search engines.

Link structure


Figure 3 - Structure of internal links

From the structure to the addresses

After building a new structure, comes the selection of addresses. No matter whether you use dynamic or static addresses, they should describe the content of your pages and have to be not too long. If you choose the keywords for which you can qualify, you can turn the most important to address.

Important factors in the selection of addresses
  • If you use multiple words, separate them with arrows
  • Do not use uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Do not use numbers and names, addresses - visitors will remember them
  • The address is required to be easy to remember
  • Always redirect old pages to new addresses with redirect 301 - this will give them the authority to search engines
  • Avoid duplicate content - the same content on different locations

  • Good structure is necessary for SEO optimization. It allows visitors and search engines to find content on the site fast, easy and read it.
  • Good structure is divided into equal categories and pages in it are thematically related.
  • Using the correct addresses, helps search engine rankings and facilitates remembering their visitors.

This article was translated with minor cuts and minor changes.

Original one:

Can be hung in the archive here:добра-структура-на-сайт-за-по-добро-seo/
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