Не знам от коя афф да почна???

От: Не знам от коя афф да почна???

не съм казал че не плащат, който иска (със здраве) да си ги ползва :)

ето малко откъси на тия които немогат да видят какво е писано :)

" I've heard some awful shit about them, I'd be curious to know what's going on myself. "
" From what I've heard the shaving is pretty bad over there. I don't have personal experience with them but the word on the street is not so good."
" i did some research about them lately and they really have very bad reputation "
" they are purely bullshit. I marketed their product after seeing their stats page saying 1:27 for hair loss product. My final conversion is 1:216. I incurred much loss of money. Stay away from them. "
" 1:216 is pretty good. I sent them more than 500 targeted visitors and none converted. I will not promote them again even if they are the last network online. "
" for sending 216, i spent $100 - $120 and i got $49. Like wise i lost $600. Do u think this is good? It is not wrong about conversion, they are shaving heavily. If shaving happens in email submits, we can bear. If it happens in physical products, better we should stay away from them. "
" They are very good at shaving their affiliates sales. Then when you question them they don't seem to get your email. If you call them they make up some crap about your like the only affiliate complaining. They have a whole list of excuses. "
" I've been with them for 2 years - got an old page on one of my sites that's buried deep on my site. I obviously linked some article to it way back when I started and low and behold, 10 days ago I see an email pop up in my inbox telling me I had made a sale!
1st sale in 2 years! Checked my GayPal account and there was $60.00 from MH!
2 bleeping YEARS!!! Ahhhhhhhhh! "
" I use to work with them awhile back, nothing but problems. just a poorly run company, what everyone else says in this thread is definitely true. Shaving galore, steer clear. "
"i sent them hundreds of visitors and their stats only said they received a handful!
i switched to ********...which offers a lot of their products and has a good reputation "
"When it comes down to it:
Don't use market health.
markethealth suckssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssss "
" They are legit, they paid me in the past and you can easily get ahold of an AM if needed.. but their conversion rate isnt the best, its actually quite poor compared with other networks "
" I used them last year for a few months, I sent thousands of targeted traffic from ppc campaigns and set up some optimised sites around a few of their products, great daily unique views count & click through rate. Never got credited for one sale! When I queried them on it I just got the brush off.
Needless to say I dropped them and would never use them again. If you join them, don't say you were'nt warned. "
"It is true that markethealth shaved their affiliate commisions. At the beginning, I just don't understand why the hell my markethealth commission suddenly gunned down from $1k to $100 per month at this year - WTF that's a lot of shaving shit, 90% down.
I didn't changed anything in my marketing plan, even I was increasing my marketing budget to earn more in this year. I validated and tracked with my own wordpress affiliate tracking plugin for almost 1 month, then I found really shit and evil happened with this bastard. They didn't count a lot of my unique affiliate links click, more than 50% valid clicks were gone. That's a totally Whitehat traffic from PPC and organic traffic. What happened with them ? They start acting so weird this year."
" you're obviously not reading what i wrote
if i send 1000 unique visitors and they only show less than 50.......
i use a URL tracker that shows me how many unique visitors go through my links, and they're shaving visitors which in turn will shave sales "
" Until last year MH was my best health network and I have done lots of sales for several offers.
But in the last months my links tracking system has shown about 40% shaving (I have lost over 200.000 clicks in a month).
It's sad because they are the only one to have offers for so many countries, other networks cover only the same (US, UK, CA and few others)."
"gorang read more books and then talk. For noobs like you plain and simple:
when for period 1 you have the same traffic with the same quality and the conversion is 1:100 and
when for period 2 you have exactly the same amount of traffic (even more) with the same quality and the conversion is 1:500
that means SHAVING noob!!!
Also when affiliates put their families to buy products and they don't get credited for these sales that also means SHAVING noob!!! (you can find alot of them if you search on big G)
So shut the fook up if you don't know what you're talking about because you're stopping people that are reading this thread to make money from more legit affiliate programs, not to waste their time with MH.
People like you make affiliate business a bad thing MH asskisser"
"just like you PERSONALLY made thousands of dollars with markethealth
back it up or it didn't happen....IT'S AS SIMPLE AS THAT
now go fire up your photoshop
there are HUNDREDS of ppl saying that MH is a scam
you are the 1ST to say they are not
"what bullshit am i talking? and why would you show shitty stats when you are trying to defend markethealth? your stats show me 1 of 3 things:

  1. you have shitty traffic
  2. markethealth shaves
  3. markethealth's landers convert like shit
with the amount of traffic you sent, if it was any kind of targeted or quality traffic, your sales numbers should have been much higher. good for you that you made money. but open your eyes and find a new sponsor, you'll make a lot more money. if you're happy giving half your commissions to your sponsor, then that's your choice.
i'm done talking to you and about markethealth as both are just an utter waste of time. please stop now. you're not helping anyone.
subscription canceled... good bye. "

някъде половината тема е
развито от различни хора - админи, jr Vip и регулар мембер
интересното е че никой от толкова много хора не защитава МH, освен един(той сигурно от стафа им)
От: Не знам от коя афф да почна???

Леко мнение относно ПилзМъни да изкажа - когато разгеле се стигне до поръчка, праща юзъра в доста зле изглеждаща и непрофесионално направена страница. Бас правя че отблъсква една солидна част от потребителите дето се пак са цъкнали на линкчето ви...

Не е така! Купуват!
Пожеланията за успех се сбъднаха и вече направих още няколко продажби.
Нещата се раздвижиха и смятам на насоча усилията си там :)
От: Не знам от коя афф да почна???

Купуват и нека да купуват , но наистина въпроса е колко от колко щото ако конверсията 1 :500 , както разправят за MH , ще си е доста зор за продажби.
Последно редактирано:
От: Не знам от коя афф да почна???

Купуват и нека да купуват , но наистина въпроса е колко от колко щото ако конверсията 1 :500 , както разправят за MH , ще си е доста зор за продажби.
Много по-ниска е бройката. А за МН, няма да се учудя ако са казали това...както и ако отговаря от части. Малко им са скъпи продуктите и не предприеха никаква антикризистна сратегия, която да компенсира тези цени. Но те си знаят най-добре. Ще ви излъжа, ако ви кажа, че и там не се продава. За това, разчитайте единствено на себе си да го накарате да го купи. ;)

За това ако не ви се конвертира - правете врътки, експерименти и т.н. Идеята да оцелите идеалното състояние. ;)
От: Не знам от коя афф да почна???

През август и септемри продуктите от Pills Money тръгнаха не лошо. Стига да имате добри сайтове. Иначе си плащат редовно.
От: Не знам от коя афф да почна???

През август и септемри продуктите от Pills Money тръгнаха не лошо. Стига да имате добри сайтове. Иначе си плащат редовно.
Много добре казано. Наистина продуктите на Pills Money са не само конкуретни, но и качествени. Наблъскали са си сайтовете с какви ли не тестемониуси, видеа, сертификати. Освен, че плащат на време, имат и няколко различни метода за разплащане. Истина е, че и другите програми са с добра конверсия, както личи, всеки има впечатления от програмите , с коиот работи. Друга програма гледам, че е с конверсия 1:76, което е горе долу добре, при положение, че реалното е 1:50. Говоря за конверсия. :)
